On Saturday 21st of January, we enjoyed in the capital of Spain (Madrid) a fantastic seminar with the international coach from MLM, Roberto Perez.

As the assistants confirmed it was as instructive as encouraging! We all left enthusiastic and with a renewed perspective of the multilevel system that EXIALOE develops.


The doors opened at 12am. We previously received the distributors that came from other parts of the peninsula. We were also accompanied by distributors that travelled from London (United Kingdom) and Paris (France). We were glad to be reunited again with distributors from different areas and being able to share their experiences with EXIALOE.

At 12:30 pm we started with the first morning session. We could get to know Roberto Perez better and he gave us lessons about the goals and attitudes within this method of business. “The objective is to help more people to improve their physical, emotional and economic health”.

He also warned us that the system does not fail, it is us that renounce to continue in it. “The failure resides in no planning ahead and a bad attitude that will affect negatively to our business”. Next, he explained to us how we can use questions that awaken the interest in our client about the Exialoe business and avoid common mistakes when we start the business.

At the final part of the morning session we analyzed the following points:

-Differences from making the business big from the small.

-How can I make my business grow when you are not there?

The answer to this question was given in four steps:

  4. TEAM





At about 3:30pm we started with the afternoon session after a break where we could get energy with our Exialoe-Energy shake.



The afternoon session, more intensive, helped us in a practical way to make active and irresistible presentations and to know how to focus our work strategy in the team. Roberto explained to us, with his own experience, the mistake that many make when they start in the MLM, focusing their work strategy in the company. As he explained, “Exialoe has its own mechanisms of work and it corresponds to it take them. If we are focused on trying to change them, we will lose a potential work net and we will discourage our team”.

Practical suggestions helped us to focus our efforts in forming and helping our distributors. “The team strategy is to activate the net. Focusing on giving an overall view to the distributors”, he explained. At the same time, he showed us the benefits of having an open mind and knowing how to work as a team with all the distributors of EXIALOE. “By being generous, we will be happier and we will get better and longer lasting results”.

We also received directions to achieve people wanting to be sponsored. We learnt in not insisting or forcing anyone to become a distributor”. The importance of preparing well a presentation plot was one of the practical demonstrations that we received. It was emphasized that we should prepare well our new distributors so they can make their own presentations.

“If you would knew what I have just found!” This phrase has been well recorded to us. How important it is to make an introduction that awakens the interest. This was the introduction to the following topic. How to get appointments to explain the business, using telephone calls. He made reference to the page 87 of his book “Multinivel. Las 9 leyes” (Multilevel. The 9 laws) you will find it in the products to help the distributor about the calling dialogue. “Most of the people do not call their contact list because they do not know what to say”, Roberto pointed out.

At mid-afternoon we had a break and we could taste our delicious Peppermint Tea Complex, with some tasty sweets that the Exialoe team prepared.

After the energy recovery we enjoyed of the most practical part, with the theme: How to get people that want you to sponsor them!

“The majority of the people reject it because we do not use well our words. Sometimes instead of giving a presentation we give a capacity training. We extend ourselves a lot. The new distributor will never understand the compensation plan the first time we speak with him. We must use a simple language, and speak about things that he understands”.

We were taught that we should never give a presentation to anyone that has not asked us for it. We have the responsibility of offering enough information so he can make an intelligent decision, to ask us for an explanation of the business. And once this happens, we should answer three questions in our presentation if we want to obtain a positive answer.

  1. What is this about?
  2. How much money can I earn?
  3. What do I have to do?


It is clear that Roberto Perez has extensive experience and he showed it by making a presentation of the business in 1 minute. Yes, in just 1 minute!


Basing it on the main ideas and answering the three questions mentioned before he made a presentation that we will all put into practice for sure.

As Roberto himself recognised “you have a treasure in the catalogue of products of EXIALOE”. And that is true, because our products satisfy the necessities of many people, which open us a big work field where we can help more and more people.

On the other side, he mentioned to us the correct use of the social networks and what we should not do with them.

In a practical way he taught us to hold meetings in the right way and something very important: to whom we should invite to the meetings.

It is difficult to summarize such a complete day. We have enjoyed a lot the company, experience and humane treatment of Roberto Perez. We have learnt, laughed, danced... but even better has been to see this big “Exialoe family” working together in the same direction! We are very thankful to Jose Lorenzo for the effort of organising this fantastic meeting and for being present all the time and as approachable as usual.

We encourage you to keep growing on the road to Success and we hope to see you soon in the next meetings!


Publicado en 2017-01-27 Expand your business 5 10250

5 Comentarios

  • Ivan Gonzalez Marcos

    Ivan Gonzalez Marcos 2018-06-01 Reply

    Alguien sabe si se realizará algún otro, me gustaría poder acudir, gracias.
    • C Prueba Exialoe

      C Prueba Exialoe 2018-07-25 Reply

      Hola Ivan,
      El próximo evento está programado para el Sábado 27 de Octubre en Murcia: la 7ª escuela del éxito.
      Para saber cómo puedes asistir pincha el siguiente enlace al boletín de noticias de nuestra Hemeroteca:
      Un saludo.
  • Ramon Pallares Esbri

    Ramon Pallares Esbri 2017-03-06 Reply

    Hola, soy Ramon Pallares, no asisti al evento pero si he leido el resumen y contento, espero en breve asistir a otros, al menos si he asistido a algun curso y tambien he hecho tur de empresa, luego ya por internet lo que puedo ir viendo, en general contento de estar aqui y ser parte de todo este gran equipo
  • Bj Mónica González Díaz

    Bj Mónica González Díaz 2017-02-16 Reply

    Disfruté y aprendí mucho en este seminario. Muchas gracias Exialoe!!!

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