We often hear that skin can be dry, normal or oily, with different characteristics such as redness, sensitive, dehydrated, with acne... But any type of skin can present a dehydration problem, with more or less noticeable effects depending on the type of skin; for instance, dry skin will suffer more than oily skin.Leer Más
Glutathione (GSH) is a tripeptide found in cells whose function is to protect them from oxidation. It acts against free radicals; highly reactive particles that damage cells and end up causing disease and accelerating ageing. and accelerate ageing; in fact, as we age, our bodies produce less and less glutathione.Leer Más
Benefits of water for the skin and health
As you well know, water is an indispensable element for our health, it is vital and should never be in short supply. Good hydration is the key to the functioning of our organism, and among many other values, it contributes to the activation of the organs, re-establishes oxygen levels and maintains body temperature.Leer Más
How to take care of your skin in summer
Summer is upon us and it is at this time of year when we have to pay more attention to skin care, whether facial or body. There are many external factors that affect our skin and in some way our dermis, the most important of which are sunlight and high temperatures.Leer Más
7 Tips for staying healthy on the beach
With summer just around the corner we will soon be heading out to enjoy the beach. What is meant to be a fun and relaxing occasion can have serious health side effects without proper preparation.Leer Más
Coenzyme Q10 - Benefits for your skin and health
Nowadays we obtain a lot of information through the Internet, and as we are concerned about taking care of ourselves and looking good, aesthetics occupies an important part of the information we are looking for. And the more the user demands, the more information appears.Leer Más
Feet are without a doubt one of the most punished areas of our body and on many occasions those which we pay less attention to.Leer Más
Benefits of a healthy diet
What we eat does not only give us the energy to face our daily routine, but it is also a source of health which allows us to grow up and develop, it also affects in the way our organism gets old throughout the years. Therefore, having a healthy diet together with the right lifestyle, it is essential to live fully and doing it for longer. Leer Más
Qualities of the Calendula on the skin care and health
The calendula is a flower of bright orange and yellow colours. It has different active ingredients within its own composition that confer different qualities to it.Leer Más
The importance of the Iron in our health
When there is lack of iron, a long list of disorders can be present such as tiredness without an apparent reason and anaemiaLeer Más
Tips for the care of your hands
The hands are one of the areas of our body that we show most. Together with the face, hands are always at sight (unless we are covering them with gloves). However, not much attention is shown to them!Leer Más
If you want to get rid of those two centimetres that so much annoy either in thighs or abdomen, together with a healthy and balanced diet and exercise you have the option of using a slimming cream.Leer Más
Performing regular and systematic physical activity has proved to be a very beneficial practice in the prevention, development and recovery of the health at the same time that helps with the personality, discipline and when making decisions in the daily life.Leer Más
One of the main objectives of the legislation was to set something clear before the amalgam of the protections available (the called solar protection factor or SPF). The SPF is a scale that calculates the level of protection that a cream provides in comparison with the skin when exposed to the sun: for example, if it takes ten minutes for a person to burn his skin without cream, with a factor 15 protection lotion it will take two and a half hours before the skin starts to get red.Leer Más
The loss of our good habits during the last weeks (or months for the most fortunate ones), have taken their toll and we want to recover our rhythm in every sense.Among the agents that affect the most to our skin during the summer time, the sun leads without any doubt this list. The UVB radiation is the responsible of solar burns, spots, precancer and skin cancer but the UVA as it is more penetrating destroy the collagen and elastin fibers favouring the ageing of the skin and the appearance of wrinkles.Leer Más
Arthrosis: Remedies against pain and inflamation
ARTHROSIS: REMEDIES AGAINST PAIN AND INFLAMMATIONArthrosis is a much extended illness that is suffered by the 15 % of the Spanish population, around seven million people.It affects joints. It is normally located in hands, knees, hip or spinal column. Arhtrosis causes pain, inflammation and hinders to be able to perform so common movements as closing the hand, climbing stairs or walking.Leer Más
The benefits to our health of this spice.Leer Más
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