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ISO 9001 Standard - Quality Management

ISO 9001 is the most recognized standard for quality management worldwide. It belongs to the ISO 9000 family of quality management system standards (along with ISO 9004) and helps organizations meet the expectations and needs of their customers, among other benefits.

An ISO 9001 management system will help you manage and continuously control quality in all processes. As the most recognized quality management standard globally and the benchmark, it describes how to achieve consistent performance and service.

What are the benefits of the ISO 9001 Quality Management standard for a company?

  • Enable becoming a more consistent competitor in the market
  • Improve Quality Management to meet the needs of your customers
  • Have more effective working methods that will save you time, money, and resources
  • Enhance your operational performance, reducing errors and increasing profits
  • Motivate and increase employee engagement through more efficient internal processes
  • Increase the number of valuable customers through better customer service
  • Expand business opportunities by demonstrating conformity with standards

In the certification awarded to EURO ÉXITO ALOE S.L., the Quality Management System applies to the following areas:

  • Design and manufacture of cosmetic products
  • Marketing of cosmetic and nutritional products

You can view the certificate by clicking here.

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